Thursday, December 19, 2013

Natural Balance Holiday Pack Review

I've always been a big believer in variety packs. They give you a lot for your dog, and there will be at least something they'll enjoy. That's why I jumped at the chance to review the Natural Balance Holiday Pack. This is a great gift for the dog lover in your life. I received my holiday pack courtesy

This package gives your dog the ultimate variety with the Natural Balance dog food roll. I've had my dogs try this a few times. Sometimes, I give it alone and other times, I mix it in with their food. No matter which way they eat. Then, there's the canned food. Most dogs just love having their daily dose of canned food with their dry food. They tried the Natural Balance Canned food and surely goobled it up. Then there's the treats. The dogs enjoyed them but they weren't jumping for joy every time I brought them out. I would say they are better than average and especially ideal for dogs who fare best with limited ingredient products.

Summing It All Up

I think this is a great gift idea. It's ideal for a friend or relative's pooch. It's also a smart way to introduce your dog to new foods without having a long-term commitment. It's relatively inexpensive costing $5.99 for dogs and $3.99 for cats. To learn more about these packs, you can find them at the website. It's nice to know that with the hecticness of the season, that some gift ideas aren't that hard.

Let's Discuss!

What kind of pet gifts are you going to look for this holiday season?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

10 Tips for Holiday Travel with Your Dog

Hi Everyone!

Today, for this post, I'm sharing an article that I received from Paris Parmenter. Enjoy!

Ready to go walking in a winter wonderland with your dog? Holiday travel, whether to visit friends and relatives or to enjoy a great getaway, is all the more fun with your dog as a faithful travel companion. “Traveling with your dog can be a stress reliever during what is a stressful time of year for many people,” explains Paris Permenter, co-author of the newly-published DogTipper’s Texas with Dogs guidebook. “Not only will you not have to worry about boarding your dog while you’re traveling, but having your dog along can also serve as a great icebreaker at family get togethers.”

Before making plans to deck the halls on a trip with your dog, here are 10 tips to make sure you—and your dog—have a jolly time this holiday season:

  1. Plan in advance. Make plans early during this peak travel time. When booking, call the hotel directly and let them know the size and breed of your dog so there are no surprises at check-in.
  2. Watch out for ornaments and decorations. Decorations, from tinsel to ornaments to lights, present chewing and choking hazards. Even if your dog ignores decorations at home, he may be tempted in a new environment.
  3. Be prepared for accidents. Pet accidents happen, even with the most reliably housetrained pets. Carry a roll of paper towels and a cleaner such as Rug Doctor Urine Eliminator spray for quick cleanups and to keep from putting your hotel pet deposit (or your relatives’ good humor) at risk.
  4. Make a pre-trip vet visit. If you’re traveling out of state by car or traveling anywhere with your dog by plane, visit your vet to obtain a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). Make sure your dog is current on vaccinations and ask for an immunization record to carry as well.
  5. Carry your dog’s food and treats. The holidays may be a time for us to indulge (or over-indulge) on food and treats but our dogs should be kept on their usual diet to avoid tummy upset.
  6. Place an extra ID tag on your dog. Consider a special dog tag with your cell phone number. If you’ll be at one location for several days, make a tag with your holiday number and address as well.
  7. Buckle up. Icy roads and heavy holiday traffic are two more reasons to always buckle up furry family members, just as children are always buckled up in the car.
  8. Keep your dog warm and dry. If you’ll be walking in snow or ice, be sure your dog’s paws are protected with booties. Many dogs also appreciate a warm sweater or coat.
  9. Carry the scent of home. Whether a blanket, a doggie duvet, or just a plush toy, bring along the scent of home for time on the road and for your hotel stay.
  10. Be prepared to travel more slowly. Just as if traveling with a small child, your holiday travel is going to be enjoyed at a little slower pace with your dog. Make time for more frequent potty stops and at least one hour of walking per day. And don’t forget to work plenty of time together into your schedule. After all, isn’t that what a holiday with your best friend is all about?

About DogTipper’s Texas with Dogs

DogTipper’s Texas with Dogs (Open Road, distributed by Simon and Schuster) features the best dog-friendly destinations across Texas. The full-color book was written by Paris Permenter and John Bigley, founders of the award-winning The 10,000+ page site features tips for dog lovers, giveaways, recipes, and more. Paris Permenter, a certified dog trainer and America’s Pet Economist™, also co-hosts the weekly Dog Travel Experts radio show with tips on traveling with your dog. For more information, visit and

Let's Discuss!

What are some tips that you would suggest when it comes to travelling with your dog?

It's All Related!

Pet Friendly Hotels

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Organix Organic Dog Cookie Review And Giveaway

I'm always up for having a new treat to try out on my dogs. This month, was

generous enough to give me these treats by Organix to try on the pooches. When I first received the package in the mail, I realized that there was a substantial amount of cookies in the 12 ounce package (340 grams). They were made to be slightly larger than a quarter and looked like itty bitty vanilla wafers. When I compared them to the size of a quarter, they were slightly larger (pictured right). I also liked that the smaller size would mean that they would last longer with the five dogs that live here.

The Taste Test

One thing that's great about having such different dogs is that they have equally diverse taste. All the dogs, especially Gigi, have been partial to cheese products so I thought to choose the cheddar cheese flavor. The first time, all of the dogs seemed to like it. Yet, after subsequent tastings, Fancy would turn her snout at them. As much as Fancy loves bread and cheese, these didn't float her boat for some reason. It could be the size of the treat since Fancy is so large, and the treats for her were the equivalent of eating a tic tac.

Even though these were a no go with Fancy, I still would like to recommend them. For one, I like that these treats are organic. It's good to know that they use the purest ingredients for them and not commercial grade. My true taste barometers are Cookie and Homer. Since both of them are notorious for loving anything and everything about food, if they don't like it, then the dog treat falls into the lost cause department. The fact that Gigi loved them, knowing how finicky her taste buds can be, is what puts these treats into recommendation territory.

Summing It Up

I recommend these as a healthy alternative. They are certified organic. Another good thing about them is the fact that they're made in the US, which will keep the treats fresher longer. They are ideal for most dogs but are not for every dog, especially if your dog has a choosy pallet.

The Organix Giveaway

Here's a way to win some for your doggies. Fill out the giveaway form below for your dog(s) to indulge in an organic treat from a Rafflecopter giveaway

Let's Discuss!

What kind of organic treats do you love giving your dog?

It's all related!

Merrick Jerky Strips Review
Orijen Freeze-Dried Dog Food
Halo Healthsome Review

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Adopt A Senior Pet Month (Infographic)

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month. Where October promotes adopting all pets, November is all increasing awareness of the wonders of senior pets. In my household, three of our dogs are senior dogs. All of them have just as much pep and vigor compared to their younger counterparts.

Every year, thousands of senior dogs are dropped off in a shelter. Some are given up because their family can't keep them anymore. Others are given up because their owners don't want them anymore, since they are older. It's not fair to the dog when this happens, but compared to other dogs, they are the last to be adopted. They are also the ones who are most euthanized.

Older Pet Benefits

Some of the benefits of adopting senior pets include:

  • They are already housebroken. It doesn't take a long time for them to get acclimated to new surroundings.
  • They are great for those owners who love a laid-back life. A simple walk will be all the exercise they need in a day.
  • You know what you're getting. They tend to be more docile. Also, when they are adopted from a shelter, they are equally grateful.
  • It isn't as long of a time investment compared to raising a dog who is a puppy.

Below is an infographic for Senior Pets by Blogpaws

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pork Chomps Giveaway Winners

Hello Everyone!

Thank you all for entering my Pork Chomps Giveaway. I just want you to know that I truly enjoyed reading all your comments. It was great hearing about your dogs and their favorite treats. I am happy to announce the winners of our Pork Chomps Giveaway. The winners were drawn at random and are as follows:

  • Small Dogs: Steve Weber
  • Large Dogs: Danielle Porter

Both winners have a week to email me at epapastefanatgmaildotcom with their necessary information to ship your package. If there is no response by Wednesday, November 6th at 11:59 CST, then I will redraw the winners. I am planning on having another giveaway coming up very soon. Thanks again to all who entered. Hope you all have a very Happy Halloween.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Feed And Go Automated Pet Feeder

Photo: Feed and Go

It always amazes me when you see one of those food bowls that feed your pet(s). Imagine how surprised I was when I heard of Feed and Go. Not only does it automatically dispense your pet's food, it can be controlled online.Through the use of advanced technology, it's able to not only help pet parents keep their pets on their normal routines, but also keep them connected to their furry family members while away from home.

It offers the option for a pet owner to record their voice and is built with a webcam. It connects through Wi-Fi and can be controlled through any computer, tablet or smartphone, as well as a convenient iOS and Android app for mobile programming and webcam streaming. In addition to dispensing food, it can also be an option for dispensing medication. There are also special apps available for iPhone and Android users as well.

With it's webcam, it's a great way to check in on your pets when you're away on vacation.Feed and Go’s automated pet feeder can be used with both wet and dry food and features six, 8 oz. cup size feeding trays that when not on display are kept airtight to keep food and any medications fresh until dispensed to the pet. It also is made with plastic so it's dishwasher safe as well. It allows pet parents to set one-off feeds or a recurring feeding schedule, or a combination of both, and for those lucky enough to be parents to more than one pet, the Feed and Go customer console allows for multiple pet feeders to be controlled from one login.

Right now, the company is offering a 20% off when you pre-order the Feed and Go Automatic Feeder from their website.

Let's Discuss!

How do you like to feed your pet?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pork Chomps Review and Giveaway

This week, I'm proud to present my review about Pork Chomps.

An Alternative To Rawhide

I was first approached to review Pork Chomps and was intrigued by the product. They are made to resemble rawhide but contain no rawhide. Instead, they contain baked pork skins. The pork skins are 99% digestible and leave no slimy pieces behind. It's all natural as well so there's nothing added to make the treat more appealing.

Testing It Out

Living in a house with five dogs gives the ultimate testing environment. I was sent Pork Chomps in all sizes, in twists form, strips and traditional rawhide shapes. This was great for dogs who are small like Harry and Gigi to my largest dog, Fancy (pictured left).
The first sign I knew the dogs were going to like these was when I brought the box in from outside. I had placed it on a chair temporarily and Cookie (pictured above) was jumping up trying to get to the box. The scent of these things made her really excited. Then I gave them all some of the bones. Everyone was chewing away happily and not one of the dogs were distracted. Harry even enjoyed it considering that he has few teeth. He chewed some of it but didn't finish because of his limitations. Of course, Homer wasn't about to let it go to waste.

The Final Conclusion

Everyone really loved them. Not one of the dogs became sick. Prices are comparable to rawhide treats. I highly recommend these to give instead of bones or rawhide. They don't hurt the teeth but still give your dog something to chew. Once, I gave Gigi a bone and it wound up chipping one of her molars. I didn't have anything like that happening here. Cookie gave me her seal of approval when she stole one of the Pork Chomps bags off of the kitchen table and tried to open it in her bed. (I tried to snap a photo of the sneaky girl but she wouldn't stay still).
Since these were such a hit with my pooches, I am returning the favor. Two readers will win a pork chomps package for their dogs to try. Here's how to win:
Contest Rules

Small Dog Package     Large Dog Package
  1. Contest starts on Thursday, October 17 and goes until Sunday, October 27 till 11:59pm.
  2. Leave a comment on what your dog love for a chew treat. Please also list if you have a small dog or big dog.
  3. Contest is limited to those who live in the US and Canada.
  4. Only one comment per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.
  5. Winners will be drawn at random.
Again, a special thanks to Pork Chomps and Fetching Communications for providing Pork Chomps for review. Good luck to you all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

An Advertising Campaign That Turns A New Leaf

I used to work in a shopping mall about four years ago. Many times, I would pass by Abercrombie and Fitch and see a half-naked teenager standing in the doorway. It was obvious that they were using the tried and true idea of "Sex Sells". They are not alone. Companies like Calvin Klein, Victoria's Secret and some perfume houses have used this idea successfully as well.

In the past, the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch has admitted that his clothes are geared towards the "cool kids", which helps them to maintain their exclusivity. It has a narrow but loyal audience that it markets. As much as I don't like that they are very selective, it's their right as a business.

Clothes For Teenagers

Imagine my surprise when I saw the above poster when walking through that mall a few weeks ago, when I went mall walking with my mom. They decided to use dogs and men. I think this is a fresh idea and showcases Abercrombie and Fitch in a better light. The addition of dogs with models gives the retailer a more down-to-earth look and feel.

I don't have kids in high school but if I did, I don't know if I would have them shop there. I can't imagine why a kid would want to buy brand new jeans that are already ripped. It's a fine line between having your kids dress appropriately and having them wear stuff that they love. Hopefully parents and kids can find the middle ground.

Photo: Abercrombie and Fitch

As a dog lover, I was thrilled by this campaign. It showcases the products and the love people have for dogs. Anything that embraces the wonderfulness of dogs is ok with me. It's obvious that Abercrombie and Fitch has taken a new direction in their advertising and I for one hope this dog-friendly angle continues.

Let's Discuss!

What are your thoughts about the new Abercrombie and Fitch ads?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Merrick Jerky Strips Review

Dogs just to seem love jerky. Anytime, I have jerky, my dogs get so excited. It does have a strong scent and is easy to digest. They had no rawhide in them, which is better for the dogs' digestive systems.

Jerky strips in general don't have the coloring added to them that you find in other dog treats. These by Merrick are grain-free. That's why I had no problem when I was asked by to review their Merrick Jerky Strips in Natural Beef. I'd like to thank for providing the complimentary treats for review.

At First Glance

When I first opened the package, the biggest difference I noticed was the texture. Instead of being soft and flexible,

these were hard. It made them easy to break into even pieces to give to the smaller dogs, but in truth, I was perplexed by this. But in the end, as long as the dogs loved it, that's all that really mattered.

The Real Test

It was time to give the Jerky Strips to the ones who really knew what worked and what didn't--my dogs. Gigi, as always couldn't contain her excitement enough. She loved it. So did Cookie and Homer. Fancy is such a big girl, she'll eat anything. So the true test was Harry, our Chinese Crested dog who is pretty much toothless.

All of the dogs loved it. Even our big girl Fancy, who can down a treat in milliseconds took her time to enjoy this treat. She held it between her paws and chomped away.

Final Recommendation

Even though these treats are a little on the pricey side ($5.99 for 2.5 ounces), I think they are good to give your dogs when you want an alternative to rawhide treats. They also make a smart choice for dogs who have sensitive stomachs. Do I think they are good enough replace the soft jerky treats? Not really. I think they don't beat the original soft treats but are nice to give once in a while when you are looking for a little variety or change of pace from the usual.

Let's Discuss!

What are your thoughts about this treat? Do you like giving beef jerky to your dogs?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some Questions For The Ministry Of Defence And The RAF

Photo: Pat Pilon

Recently, Prince William decided to retire from the military so he could devote himself to his wife and his new child. It was a simple choice and a nice change of pace for the prince, who had focused on being a search and rescue helicopter operator for the RAF.

One would think this would be a decision without controversy. However, approximately two days after the prince left the military, two of the guard dogs assigned to protect him, Brus and Blade, were put down. The dogs had been serving in the role since Prince William joined the military in 2010. Brus, a Belgian shepherd was 7 and a half years old and Blade, a German Shepherd was 9 and a half years old. Brus, was known for having behavioral issues and Blade had issues with his spine and hips. Still, that's no reason for euthanization.

Now, the Ministry of Defence says that it's a "coincidence" and that they both had behavioral issues. It has been said that the military tried to rehome them, but it failed.

Harrowing Questions

Which makes me wonder, did they really do everything they could or was it the easy way out? First of all, the dogs were hired to guard the whole military base, not just Prince William. Why couldn't they have been kept on the base till they were ready to retire?

Many dogs are given to one of the soldiers when their military job comes to an end. Did the decision makers at the RAF even consider this?

It has been said that the dogs were stressed out. Well, when I'm stressed out, I take some time and retreat to a peaceful and quiet place to de-stress. Why couldn't that be done for Brus and Blade?

There are so many specially trained dog experts out there. Why couldn't the dogs have been sent to them?

What about approaching animal advocates? Victoria Stilwell is one of the biggest proponents for protecting animals and she is from Great Britain. Why couldn't they ask her for any help?

If that didn't work, then why not put the dogs in a special dog sanctuary, so they could live out their last years in peace? There was a dog retrieved in the Michael Vick debacle named Mabel. Mabel was deemed too dangerous by a court judge to ever live in a household. She was given a pass to live in the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and has come a long way since 2007. Am I supposed to believe that two highly trainable dogs who were trained to guard, couldn't do the same thing?

This story reeks of laziness and that's why dog lovers around the world are livid. The only thing that the RAF and the Ministry of Defence has proven is that how they have hid behind excuses instead of facing the problem head on and finding a solution. Maybe there's nothing that can be done know but at least, there is something to be learned from this travesty for the future.

Read More About It

Vanity Fair
Daily Mail

It's All Related!

Remembering Lennox

Let's Discuss!

How do you feel about this story? Please share below.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Orijen Freeze-Dried Dog Food Review

Many dog owners these days have switched over to freeze-dried food from commercial food. It's healthier and the ingredients are pure. Dog food that has been freeze-dried is first vaporized and then frozen at a low temperature to keep a bit of moisture in to make the food easy to prepare.

Freeze-dried is preferred over dehydrated food to keep the ultimate amount of nutrition in the food. Today's dog food I'll be talking about is Orijen Adult Freeze-Dried Food in the Adult Dog variety. I chose the Adult Dog variety since it had the best mix of foods which included meat, fish, fresh fruits, berries and grasses. It's a good choice for dogs who are diabetic too. A six-ounce bag was provided to me courtesy of

Orijen Freeze-Dried Food - Adult Dog

Since I have five dogs, instead of giving the patties as a meal, I used it as a food topper. Using the patties in this method is similar to giving them a nutrition supplement. Instead of mixing their dry food with their usual Mighty dog, I used the patties instead. Because my dogs are different sizes, I gave patties to them as follows:

  • Cookie - 2 patties
  • Gigi = 1 patty
  • Homer - 2 patties
  • Harry - 1 patty
  • Fancy - 4 patties
With there being 12 patties in a bag, this had two left over. The dogs loved the food. I'm always hesitant to try
new foods because Gigi (pictured with me left) is still battling bladder stones and is sensitive to certain foods. Also Harry is limited with what he can chew.

The Results

It was prepared as directed on the package. I mixed each patty with 1/4 cup of water. I then broke down the patties into small pieces and added both the broken-up patty and its water on top of their food. All of the dogs loved it. Not one wound up lifting their head from their bowl. The only problem I ran into was with Harry. Since Harry doesn't have many teeth, the food once was liquified tended to stick together. So, in order to make it easier for Harry, I mixed it up a little more to make it easier.

Another alternative would have been to give Harry the patty dry. That way, it would still be soft enough to chew without it needing to stick together. All in all, this is a good alternative to those dog owners who don't mind the extra cost that comes with this type of feeding. The dogs all loved it and it didn't last long in my house. It's also nice to give to your dogs when you need a break from the usual routine

Let's Discuss!

Please share below your thoughts on freeze-dried food. What's your favorite brand? How does it work for your dog?

It's All Related!

Orijen Lamb Freeze-Dried Treats Review
Natural Balance Jerky Bark Review
Halo Healthsome Review

Friday, August 23, 2013

Halo Healthsome Review

Earlier this month, I received a bag of Halo Healthsome dog treats in Beef and Liver from I am lucky to have the best doggie taste tester in Gigi. She's a girl with a sensitive stomach and is very selective about what she chooses. Also, having five dogs makes it easy to see if a treat will please them all, since they all are very different from each other.

What's Good About This

One thing that stood out on the package was the fact that the biscuits were oven baked. Many biscuits are processed and contain fillers. Healthsome do not. This makes a difference with dogs like my Gigi, who's naturally sensitive to certain treats. They were also easy to break in half for our smaller dogs.

Upon giving this to Gigi, she did her routine sniffing of the biscuits and then proceeded to eat it like usual. It didn't upset her stomach. As for the other dogs, Harry, our Chinese Crested loved it too. Chinese Crested dogs are notorious for having bad teeth. We have to be careful of what we give Harry for treats because of this. He can eat most treats, but not ones similar to bones.

The Final Result

These treats turned out to be very popular with all the dogs. They loved them. I recommend these to dog owners who are looking for a more healthy biscuit than your average commercial fare.

Let's Discuss!

How does your dog like Halo Healthsome?

It's All Related!

Natural Balance Jerky Bark Review
Orijen Freeze Dried Lamb Treats
Cesar Cookie Crunchers Review

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Dogs As My Diet Buddies

Last week, reality hit me. I knew I was gaining weight but I never realized how much. Because pounds can be so intimidating, I'm going to share with you the percentage I gained. Sure enough, when I crunched the numbers, it came out to a 14.7 percent increase. With that bump in weight gain, I have reached the heaviest weight I've ever been.

There's been a lot of reasons on why I gained weight. For one, I was working at a job with no job security and really didn't give us a lunch hour. We would go out and bring our lunch back to the desk. In that environment, nervousness becomes a factor of what you put into your mouth.

Another reason is that my living situation has changed with more people and more pets. With the two extra dogs we have living with us, it's harder to take Cookie, Gigi and Homer for a long walk like I did last summer. Our other dog Fancy loves to go on walks with us, and I enjoy taking her. However, with her massive frame and being overweight, she can only last a short time.

I've also been preoccupied with Gigi's bladder stones. Even though she's slowly improving, it's a situation that you constantly have to be watching. You can't let the medication schedule lapse. As I found out when I went to get more medication, I learned that the stones are solidified forms of the bacteria that built up in her bladder. Many times, Gigi just doesn't want to eat.

Yet, these in the end are just excuses. Sometimes, we push aside things until they snowball out of control. That's when you have to take a step back and say no more. Knowing how to lose weight is easy. You just cut your intake of food and increase your exercise. However, when it comes to putting this into action, that's where it gets tricky. Weight gain doesn't happen overnight unless it's a freak thing. You're therefore not going to lose weight that quickly either.

Strategy For Losing Weight With Dogs As Your Diet Buddy

I've been doing this for only a week. I'm working at a place right now that offers a lunch break which is something I enjoy. It gives me time away from the computer and helps me pay more attention to what I'm eating. I also have the option to take the stairs a couple of flights. I find that taking the stairs over the elevator is much more satisfying because you don't have to wait around. It also strengthens your calf muscles.

Now, even though I'm off to a good start, I need to figure out how I can exercise the dogs and myself so that everyone benefits. Dogs, like their human counterparts need to build up to higher activity levels. So what I'm going to do is try to wake up earlier on weekdays, to take the Cookie, Gigi and Homer on longer walks. Fancy likes to sleep in so she won't feel slighted.

When getting home from work, I wait to walk the dogs so their food can digest. It's also a cooler temperature compared to the middle of the day. Instead of taking the dogs on long walks, I'll be able to take them on shorter walks with more frequency. So my plan is to take them once in the morning and two shorter walks in the evening.

On weekends, I plan to take the dogs to the park in the morning. Since I'm always out doing stuff, I feel like at least one good walk is something, until my schedule becomes more regular.

What This Has Taught Me

Even though I have a long road ahead of me, I look at the situation as more of a challenge than a detriment. This is what I've learned:
  • Whatever your eating and activity levels are, it will trickle down to your pets.
  • That there's no quick fix for losing weight, no matter what those ads will tell you.
  • You have to become focused and don't let the naysayers get the better of you.
  • When you truly think healthy you will become healthy.
  • Don't let a couple of splurges sway you from your main goal

I do feel fortunate that I have a great support system that includes family, friends and my pets. As much as I need to lose the excess weight, this whole matter is reinventing itself by helping me to look at it as a challenge instead. Sometimes the hardest things we do in life involve taking the first step.

Let's Discuss!

How do you and your dogs stay healthy?

It's All Related!

Finding the Right Balance
Guess Who's Going on s Diet?
A New Workout For Us All

Monday, August 5, 2013

John Paul Pet Waterless Shampoo Review

Last week, I received the Pet Grooming Pack from John Paul Pet for review. Living with five dogs, this was an ideal opportunity to test this out. It came as a trio in a delightful little box with handles. One bottle contained shampoo, one bottle contained conditioning spray and then we had a brush which is the most important part of the process. It also said that they test the products on humans first which shows that they don't believe in using animals for testing. If any of you have seen typical animal testing stories, the way many animals are treated can be deplorable.

The Difference Between Waterless Shampoo and Traditional Shampoo

I never really used waterless shampoo until I received this package from John Paul Pet. The method is much different than regular shampooing. Here are the main differences:

  • The shampoo comes out as a foam
  • Instead of using water to rinse, you brush the coat dry

My first part of testing the products was figuring out which dogs to test this product. Cookie and Gigi were out since they have their baths when they go to the groomer. Harry is a Chinese Crested who's hairless. He also has sensitive spots so I was apprehensive about giving him a bath, since his master takes care of things. Homer is the type of dog that runs far, far away when he sees a brush of any kind whether it's a hair brush or tooth brush. In fact, if I can brush Homer with three brush strokes, then that's quite successful. So this left Fancy, our English Mastiff.

Fancy is a good girl for such a big dog. She has no idea how big she is but acts just like a regular dog. She was quite a sport about me applying the foam onto her. She seemed to like it just fine. She went with it.

Then came the brushing. At first, she was a little perplexed wondering why I was doing it. Fancy is a short-haired dog so she's the type that can definitely go without it and look beautiful. She didn't seem to mind. It also removed a lot of her dead hair which will decrease shedding. I had to be careful so I wouldn't brush so hard. It took awhile since Fancy is a big dog but we both hang in there.

After the initial application of shampoo, it's was time for the conditioning. The nice thing about this part is that with the spray it's quick and easy.

The Final Word

Fancy's coat turned out to be soft and silky. I think waterless shampoo is a good alternative to regular shampoo. I feel like this method is a good alternative for those who pets who don't like it wet. It's also a great alternative for cats who usually can't stand baths.

As great as this product is, for dogs like Homer, it may not be the best choice. Also, for dogs with very thin hair or no hair at all, regular pet shampoo may be the more suitable alternative. All in all, this is something to consider for a light maintenance when you need a quick clean in between. If you're looking for an alternative, I highly recommend it.Thanks to the folks at John Paul Pet for making this possible. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit their website.

Let's Discuss!

Please share your funniest moment of bathing your pet below.

It's All Related

The Wonders of Brushing

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keep Your Dog Cool And Happy This Summer (Infographic)

Every summer, our furry friend battle the unyielding summer heat. Even though they have a higher internal body temperature than humans (101 degrees compared to 98.6 degrees), with their smaller bodies they heat up much faster than we do. I've included an infographic from the fold at The Uncommon Dog who sent this over.

Let's Discuss!

Please share below how you keep your dogs cool this summer.

It's All Related

How To Keep Your Dog Cool When The Temperature Rises
Surfing for Friday Fun

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Natural Balance Jerky Bark Review

When I first heard about Jerky Bark I first thought I was getting a type of jerky that's flavored in sweet potato and fish from that's similar to beef jerky. In actuality, when looking at them up close up and I realized that it was anything but a beef jerky replica.

It's much thicker than a regular jerky treat, roughly 1/4 inch. It comes in four flavor varieties which include: fish & sweet potato, chicken & sweet potato, duck & potato and lamb & brown rice. It's also a harder texture than regular jerky. It resembles the bark of a tree. It's easy to break into smaller pieces and having five dogs around, that's not an easy task.

So How Does It Taste?

The dog I was most worried most about was Gigi. With her sensitive stomach, she will turn her head to certain treats. That's why I was happy to see that this was a limited ingredient treat (L.I.T.). With only 10 ingredients, I knew exactly what was in the treat. Sure enough, Gigi loved eating the dog treat.

I was also worried about our Chinese Crested, Harry. Harry is a dog that has very few teeth. It's a common thing in the Chinese Crested breed that those dogs tend to lose their teeth easily. Happily, Harry ate the treat with no difficulty.

As for the other three, they will eat just about anything. Cookie, Homer and Fancy loved it as well. Anytime I pulled them out, all of them sat with excitement in anticipation.

Final Recommendation

I recommend this treat as an alternative to a regular jerky treat. This treat is ideal for helping to keep tartar down and dogs simply love it. Again, I'd like to send a huge thank you to the folks at, for making this review possible.

Let's Discuss!

Have your dogs tried these treats? What limited ingredient treats do you like making for your dogs?

It's All Related!

Orijen Freeze-Dried Treats Review Mr. Chewy Website Review

Monday, July 22, 2013

Too Kool Doggies Traveler Dog Bed Winner

Hi All, I would like to thank all of you for entering the Christmas In July Win A Dog Whisperer Traveler Dog Bed Contest. I loved reading your comments and with all of the responses, I didn't get the opportunity to respond the way I would have liked to respond. I also loved reading your tweets, pins and seeing the newest members on Facebook. There were 135 total entries. What I did was take the numbers and put the range on I created a Google Docs Spreadsheet with this link. The range was 2 to 135. As a result, the selected number was number 23 (see below).
Congratulations Lisa M. She will be contacted by email and if successfully contacted, will have a dog bed shipped to her. After a week, if I do not here back from her, another winner will be chosen in her place. For the rest of you, we will be doing future contests here at Too Kool Doggies. I again thank you all.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Win a Free Dog Whisperer Traveling Dog Bed

Welcome to the Christmas in July Giveaway Hop hosted by Just Married with Coupons, Sweep Tight and Matter of Cents! Enter to win hundreds of dollars in prizes by hopping from blog to blog! The grand prize sponsor is Maggie Bags. They take recycled material & give it new life by creating eco-friendly & sophisticated handbags! Other sponsors include SodaTabs and JustSweep!
It's that time of year where Too Kool Doggies are celebrating Christmas in July. I've partnered with a bunch of fabulous bloggers for this event. You can participate in other giveaways by clicking on the picture link below.

To celebrate, I'll be giving one lucky winner a Dog Whisperer Traveling Dog Bed. Made for dogs up to ninety pounds, this is a prize that is ideal for most dogs. Made with a microfiber material, this brown dog bed can go anywhere and is very versatile. Selling at a retail price of $59.99, this is an ideal gift for the busy dog owner.

I am very appreciative for all of your support during this year. So here are the rules for the contest.

Rules for the Dog Whisperer Traveling Dog Getaway

Here are ways you can win (You can do one or all if you like): 1. Enter a comment below. Only one comment per person. Any duplicate comments won't count and the person will be disqualified.
2. Tweet this contest on Twitter. Here's a tweet for you: "I just entered the giveaway for a Dog Whisperer Traveling Dog bed from #TooKoolDoggies. #ChristmasInJuly" and link the tweet in your comment. Again only one tweet per person.
3. Like Too Kool Doggies on Facebook and share that in the comments.
4. Post this contest on Pinterest and share the link in the comments.

Other Rules
1. This contest is only open to people who live in the US and Canada.
2. Contest Ends July 17th at 12pm EST.
Enter to win the grand prize giveaway

Hop to all the participating blogs to check out their giveaways!

1. Just Married with Coupons {Grand Prize}  38. Pretty Opinionated- Sling Bag and Bendastix  
2. Sweep Tight {Grand Prize}  39. Marvelous Mommy - Sanus Vuepoint F180 TV Wall Mount - US  
3. Matter of Cents {Grand Prize}  40. Sincerely, Mindy - $50 Avon Jewelry Package - US  
4. Still Blonde - $180 Ju-Ju-Be Messenger Bag- US  41. Hollybee Tells - Family Accessories pack - US  
5. Simply Stacie- Kindle- US & Canada  42. Mom-Spot - Kids Music Library   
6. Adventures of 8 - A Donna Sharp Tote  43. Dayton Mom Spot - Kids Music CD Library  
7. BlogWithMom - Rodan+Fields Prize Pack- US  44. Gator Mommy Reviews- DSLR Online Course - US  
8. Oh My Gosh Beck! - $50 Amazon GC - WW  45. Write By the Sea - Amazon Gift Card  
9. Just like June - Magellan SmartGPS - US  46. K Squared Glamour - $200 Fashion/Beauty Prizes - US  
10. Pixel Berry Pie Designs - $50 GC to ElisabethNicole/Etsy - Worldwide  47. Deal Sharing Aunt - Christmas Kitchen Set - US   
11. Fashion In The Forest - $100 Amazon Gift Card - Worldwide  48. 3 Partners in Shopping - Christmas House & Cards - US  
12. Oh! My Heartsie Reviews - Coming Soon  49. The Review Wire - Docuscan a Document Scanner US  
13. Susan Heim on Parenting - Family Movie Prize Pack - US  50. Mary's Cup of Tea - $406 in Prizes - US  
14. My Devotional Thoughts - $50 Vitacost/$30+ Easy Canvas--U.S.  51. Moms & Munchkins - Arbonne Skin Care Valued at $66 - US & Canada  
15. To the Motherhood - Albion Fit Swim Suit; US & Canada  52. Savings in Seconds - $100 CVS GC - US  
16. NaturalHairLatina - Pantene Ageless Beauty Collection - US  53. Roasted Beanz - $50 in Gift Cards - US  
17. Newly Crunchy Mama Of 3 - $100 Amazon GC - US/CAN  54. Lauren Paints | a beautiful life - $100 Paypal CASH - US only  
18. Planet Weidknecht - Sonicare for Kids - US  55. So Easy Being Green - Sunglasses Set - US  
19. The WiC Project - $50 Kohl's GC - US  56. Free & frugal mommy of one-$65 ANI Shoes  
20. The Kids Did It - $60 - WW   57. Mom to Bed by 8 - $50 Victoria's Secret GC - US  
21. Belly Charms $25 Gift Code, It Works! Body Wrap- US & CA  58. Look What I Got For Free - $50 Walmart GC - US  
22. Sarah's Blog Of Fun - $55 in Gift Cards - US  59. Mami's 3 Little Monkeys 2 Winners Total of $241! US only  
23. Live, Love, Laugh with Leslie - Hank Player Prize - US  60. Too Kool Doggies - Dog Whisperer Traveler Dog Bed - US  
24. Minding Spot - $25 Amazon GC - WW  61. Still Blonde after all these YEARS-$100 gift certificate Rhonda Shear Shapewear- US  
25. Mama on a Green Mission - $139 Vera Bradley Prize Pack - US  62. How Was Your Day? - $150 in Garden Seeds - US/CAN  
26. Game On Mom - Ugly Christmas Sweater - US  63. Style on Main - Retropical Makeup & Perfume - US/CAN  
27. Makobi Scribe - $50 Madox Jewelry + Accessories GC - US/CAN  64. princess among superheroes - kimchi baby boutique-$20-us/spark of amber-$35-us  
28. Cheap Is The *New* Classy - $50 California Delicious GC - US  65. Kelly's Thoughts On Things - $50 RV - US  
29. Measuring Flower - $124 Cutlery Set - US/CAN  66. Sue's Reviews - Christmas Basket Giveaway - US  
30. Sweeping The USA - $50 Amazon GC - WW  67. My Journey to Living Well ~ doTERRA Kit and EnjoyingTea Smart Tea Maker ARV $50 ~ US  
31. Miki's Hope - $50 Bath & Body Works GC (US Only)  68. Diary of a Working Mom - Enchantment Ring ($95) - US & Can Only  
32. Organic Mommy Today - Amazon GC - US  69. Howard House Reviews - Mighty Leaf Tea - US  
33. Dads Life Reviewed - Best Buy Gift Card - US  70. Crafty Life - $50 Tupperware GC + $25 Amazon GC - US  
34. Seventeen Sirens - GoGo Babyz Wagon Stroller - US  71. Mama's Got Flair - $50 Amazon Gift Card - US  
35. Mama Papa Barn - $60 Magnetic Block set - US  72. Passport to Frugal - Skora Running Shoes $185   
36. Simple Savings For ATL Moms - $50 Aeropostale GC - WW  73. Glamorous Mama- $120 Conair Giveaway- WW  
37. Practical Frugality - Kohls Gift Card - US  74. Christmas Gifts - $50 GAP Gift Card - US  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What You Need to Learn About Bladder Stones

Photo: Bob Mills

Types of Bladder Stones

Ever since Gigi was diagnosed with bladder stones, I've been wanting to learn more about these. There are two major types of stones -- struvite and calcium oxalate.The stones in the photo pictured above are the type of stones that Gigi has been fighting. They are called Struvite stones which is an alkaline-based stone. These are the type of stones that can dissolve in type. Struvite is composed of magnesium, phospate and ammonium (which is the main ingredient in ammonia). The bacteria in a dog's bladder will combine with this minerals to form the stones.

As all dogs are different, certain dogs are prone to getting struvite stones.Some of these breeds include: Shih Tzus(Gigi is a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix), Miniature Schnauzer, Yorkshire Terrier, Labrador Retriever, and Dachshund. Females are twice as likely to get this stones than males. The main way we've been treating Gigi's affliction is through giving antibiotics daily and giving her specially prescribed food by Royal Canin (their SO variety). Another good treatment for this which is also prescription is the SD variety by Hill's Prescription Diet.

Calcium Oxalate Stones

Another main type of bladder stone is the calcium oxalate variety. These are brown-colored in contrast to the white struvite variety. They are primarily found in most male dogs and are rarely spotted in females. Breeds who typically get these stones include: Shih Tzus, Miniature Schnauzers, Bichon Frise, Lhasa Apso, and Yorkshire Terrier.

Unlike Struvite stones, these stones have to be surgically removed. It's possible that a dog can pass these through their system, but only if the stone is small enough. It has been said that the commercial foods can speed the formation of Calcium Oxalate stones. With the increase in commercial food over the years, the incidence of bladder stones has increased. Combined with a lack of water, bladder stones can grow at a fast rate.

Life After Bladder Stones.

The funny thing about dogs who get bladder stones, the chance of them recurring is very high. For this reason, it's important to keep your dog on a strict diet, watch the treats, and make sure they don't ingest too much protein.

Let's Discuss!

Has your dog had an incidence with bladder stones? If you are a veterinarian, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

It's All Related!

Gigi's Battle With Bladder Stones

Monday, June 24, 2013

Gigi's Battle With Bladder Stones

We never know what ailment our dog will have. All that we do know is we hate to see our dogs having any pain or discomfort whatsoever. Over the past month, Gigi (pictured with Fancy above), was diagnosed with bladderstones.

What are Bladder Stones?

Bladder stones are crystals that form in a dog's bladder when there is a ph level imbalance. Most bladder stones have an excess buildup of alkali caused by a bacterial infection. In Gigi's case, it was a staph infection. As a result, dogs who suffer from bladder stones will urinate more frequently and may have accidents in the house. They will also strain when trying to eliminate holding themselves longer than usual.

After the dog is diagnosed with bladder stones, the veterinarian will examine a urine sample to see if there are any crystals floating around. By pinpointing what types of crystals are existing in the urine, the vet will determine whether or not the bladder stones can dissolve on their own or they need to be surgically removed. Vets will x-ray the area to better see the bladder area. In Gigi's case, there were no crystals at all so the results were inconclusive. So we took the conservative route to try to dissolve them by giving her a combination of food and antibiotics. It did start to make a difference because Gigi had more of an appetite with her new food and was having fewer accidents in the house.

When Gigi had her first x-ray done, her bladder looked like they had a handful of marbles inside. An example similar to what Gigi had is included in the photo on the right. Today, I just took her to the vet to get a second x-ray because I spotted blood in her urine. Many times, bladder stones will irritate the lining of the bladder while the process is dissolving the stones. As a result, blood in the urine is a side effect of this. After Gigi received x-rays a second time, it seems like the stones that didn't dissolve much.

Photo Source: Wikipedia
However, there were a few on the bottom that were smaller. The doctor also informed me that in some dogs, it takes longer to break down the crystals.

Looking Down The Road

It seems that surgery is probably going to happen. Gigi has been undergoing this treatment for only three weeks. I'm going to wait and see if more crystals dissolve in order to do surgery as a last resort. My vet advised not waiting longer than 6 to 8 weeks so by then, it should be around six weeks. I'll keep you guys posted as time goes by.

Let's Discuss!

If any of you have had a similar situation with one of your dogs, like I did with Gigi, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks to all of you who stop by.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Orijen Lamb Freeze-Dried Treats Review

Recently, I received a package of freeze-dried dog treats from

I was familiar with freeze-dried dog food and was more than willing to give freeze-dried treats a try. When I first opened the treats, like all freeze-dried items, they reminded me of the astronaut's snack treats that were released in the 80s.

It really is all about taste though. The dogs absolutely loved them. Even Harry, our Chinese Crested pooch who can chew hard foods, gobbled these up wi What I liked about the treats was the fact that they had only three ingredients. On my bag that I received, only had three ingredients: lamb, lamb liver and tripe.

This simplicity is what makes these easy to digest and irresistible to dogs. As far as a downside goes, there wasn't one. I highly recommend the Orijen freeze-dried treats for dogs. They are a great healthy alternative to many commercially- produced treats that contain artificial colors, flavors and fillers.

Let's Discuss!

Please share what types of treats your dog loves to eat below.

It's All Related!

Mr. Chewy Website Review

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Power of Dogs as Human Companions

Hello Everyone! I've been quite a bit behind in my blogging because of a large scale website I've been trying to finish. Today, I'd like to announce a special guest post by Rupert Brown of Muddy Paws in the United Kingdom. Enjoy!

The Power of Dogs as Human Companions

It's long been said that man's best friend is his dog. Loyal, loving and with unquestioning trust, a dog's relationship with its owner is like no other. While cats can be aloof and independent, a dog is affectionate and dependent. Cats don't care whether their owner is there, but dogs crave the company of their master. It's little wonder that dogs make such devoted companions for humans; their unwavering faithfulness and intelligence prompts them to fulfill many different roles: guard dog, babysitter, protector, friend, rescuer, playmate, servant, guide dog, worker and soothing presence, to name but a few. Here are some examples where dogs have become more than simply an adored pet:

The confidence booster

Seven-year old Owen Hoskins sufferers from a rare genetic condition that has him confined to a wheelchair. He was shy and felt like the odd one out. Then 'disabled' dog, Haatchi came into his life. Haatchi lost a leg in an attack with another dog, but immediately connected with Owen. The two have been inseparable ever since. The little boy became more confident as a result of this new-found friendship and says he feels stronger. His parents told that the courageous dog has turned their formerly withdrawn son's life around.

Life saver

Adopted German Shepherd, Bear learned to tell his owner Debbie when she needed to take medicine for the seizures she had been suffering from for 18 years. When Bear leaned on her legs, Debbie would know she should prevent an attack by taking her medication. On the one occasion that she ignored Bear's guidance, Debbie had a seizure and fell down the stairs, blacking out. Bear immediately sought help, barking for a neighbor, then found an animal control officer who came for help and called an ambulance, saving Debbie's life. This and eleven similar stories appear in the Niagara Falls Reporter.

Children's therapy

Dogs are often used in therapy for children, making hospital visits to cheer up the most discouraged young patients. At a hospital in Quito, it was discovered that playing with dogs Juci and Lancelot raised the children's adrenaline levels and consequently boosted their resistance to the side affects associated with chemotherapy. As a result, fewer children need to stay overnight when receiving treatment. According to a volunteer hospital dog handler, Veronica Pardo, the dogs 'infuse children with life'.

The soldier

In 2011, American Navy Seal Jon Tumilson was killed in action by Afghan Forces, paperblog reports. A photograph of the hero's funeral 'went viral' after it was posted online. Why? Because it featured the forlorn image of the soldier's Labrador Retriever, Hawkeye. He is seen laying under the coffin grieving for his master. It's both one of the saddest and most touching examples of a dog's devotion. These are just a handful of stories in which dogs have exceeded expectations and become a friend, counsellor to those that need their companionship the most. What's probably one of the biggest factors is that dogs don't discriminate. They don't shy away from someone who is different, or avoid an uncomfortable situation. They only love and want to be loved in return. That's the power of dogs as human companions.

Let's Discuss!

What's a story of dog and human companionship that has warmed your heart? Please share below.

It's All Related!

20 Dog Breeds That Make Great Running Companions The First Firefighters

About The Author

Understanding Your Dog's Behavior and Keeping Him Happy Rupert Brown is the Managing Director of Muddy Paws, a leading UK retailer of dog products. He lives in the stunning county of Dorset in southern England with his family and dog (as well as Muddy Paws product tester!) Oscar.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Tale Of Survival From Oklahoma City

I must admit, I was totally blown away by the damage and devastation when the tornado from last week, demolished several parts of Oklahoma City.I only hope that Oklahoma City recovers from this quickly, and my heart goes out to all of those who have lost a loved one in the midst of this tragedy. There was one story that really captured my attention when I saw it on CBS This Morning last week. It was so heartwarming seeing that moment. I've shared the video above for you all to see. The good news about this horrific tragedy is that it's brought together people from all over to help this woman and her beloved bowser. There's already two programs on One fund was started by Erin DeRuggiero. Her fund has already raised over $36,000 towards her $50,000 goal. You can see her fundraising page here. This story has had a reach that has gone everywhere. Actor John Barrowman (known from being on Torchwood, Desperate Housewives and Dr. Who) has also created an assistance fund on Go Fund Me that is off to a good start. To date, they've raised 1,000 dollars.

The Appeal Of This Story

This is a story of survival that has struck a chord with people. Many of us have a grandmother or relative who is a senior citizen who live by themselves. Many, like Barbara, are lucky enough to have a dog or cat for a companion but otherwise are living alone.

Let's Discuss!

What are your thoughts about the Oklahoma City tornado?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dog Mourns Loss of Beaver Friend

Losing a valuable friend is not easy to go through in life. It has been said that dogs experience loss just as much as humans. First spotted on Huffington Post, this video illustrates beautifully the loss that Bella experience when she lost her good buddy, Beavis the beaver. Hope you all enjoy this and please share your thoughts below.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What The Heck Is Happening In Idaho?

Hi Everyone! Last week, I had competed in the web design competition I was had mentioned previously. It was a tough competition this year, as we had to do a website that was over 130 pages in size and had a team that dwindled from five people to two people. Still, we received an honorable mention and considering that there was a very tight race, we were very pleased with how we did. Now, I can blog more consistently than before.

 Also, thanks to have all who have commented during my time blogging. Just to let you know, I read each and every comment but will not publish spam comments. It's not fair to the readers and hurts the blog with Google.

The Mysterious Land Of Idaho

 Growing up in the Midwest, I never had visited Idaho. In fact, I only can tell you a few things about Idaho of the top of my head:
  • That it has very low pollution and beautiful land out there.
  • It's known for excellent potatoes.
  • Demi Moore and Bruce Willis called Hailey, Idaho home.
  • Boise State has had quite a successful football team.
Warning: Not for the faint of heart.

A Case That Makes No Sense

So imagine my surprise when I read about the earlier discoveries of four German Shepherd mixes who were bludgeoned and shot in the head. One was found last month in what seemed to be a ritualistic execution, where the dog's eyes seemed to have bulged out. This has been happening since November of last year as officials have discovered 30 dogs in this fashion. The area of Idaho is in the Twin Falls(see map below)and the Magic Valley Region.

View Larger Map

 The whole thing is disconcerting, perplexing and bizarre. So much so, that the Humane Society is offering a $5000 USD reward leading to the capture of these heartless killers. As for the residents of the area that may be targeted, keep an eye on your dog and a bigger eye out for any signs of stalking behavior.

Let's Discuss!

Please share your thoughts about the case below. I'd especially interested in hearing from those of you who live in Idaho. Thaks everyone! :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Understanding Your Dog's Behavior and Keeping Him Happy

Hello Everyone,

It's been a hectic time for me lately because I am currently competing in a website competition. Since my time is limited these next few weeks, today's post is from a special guest. Please welcome Rupert Brown, from

Understanding Your Dog's Behavior

Having a dog takes up a huge amount of your time. They effectively become a member of the family. They'll be running to the front door to greet you when you come in and put their head in your lap if you've had a bad day. Your dog has as much of a personality as you do and, consequently, they have feelings as well.

Positive Behavior

If you want your dog to be happy, you need to pay attention to his or her moods. Different breeds have certain traits that you need to be aware of. For example, it is in the nature of a terrier to dig, in the same way as it is for a sheepdog to herd. These traits can affect their personality, but so can your behavior. Dogs recognize different tones of voice so if your dog does something to be proud of, tell them. Use an enthusiastic voice and smile. If you have a smaller breed, pick them up and give them a cuddle.

Making a fuss of your pet will help them to understand that they've done something good, increasing the chances of them repeating it. Rewarding them with healthy treats if they have behaved exceptionally well will help them to make the connection that good behavior equals tasty delights.

Don't Ignore Bad Behavior

Similarly, if they have misbehaved, it's important to make them understand but not to frighten them. Hitting a dog on the nose or around the facial area will provoke fear and they may lash out or bite you as a defence mechanism. Using a stern voice and repeating certain words such as 'naughty' will help the dog to understand that they have done something wrong but they also won't be frightened. The more often they hear the negative word, the sooner they will realize that what they're doing isn't right.

If you find your dog has behaved badly but you don't realize until much later on, it's important not to discipline them. They may struggle to understand what they have done wrong if the incident occurred some time ago and this can confuse them. Some dogs will realize that they have misbehaved when you discover what they've done and you can tell this by their reaction to you.

Understand Their Behavior

If your dog suddenly starts to behave in a submissive manner when you walk into a room and find the curtains have been ripped down, chances are they already know they're in trouble, indicating that their behavior is a cry for attention. Make a note of this, particularly if they repeat the behavior and continue to use the negative word if they show an understanding, to remind them that they have been naughty.

Think about why your dog is behaving in a certain way. It may be just because they particularly enjoy doing something or have developed a habit such as chewing. Many dogs chew shoes but if you give them an alternative and keep taking the shoes away, you might be able to break the habit. If they act up when a certain person is in the house, it could be their influence. Ensure any disciplinary rules are kept with everyone in the house. There is no point in you telling your dog it's naughty to take your socks if your partner then gives them socks to play with. Avoid confusion and your dog will be happy to accommodate some basic rules, particularly if they know they'll get cuddles, treats or walks out of it.

is the Managing Director of Muddy Paws, a leading UK retailer of dog products. He lives in the stunning county of Dorset in southern England with his family and dog (as well as Muddy Paws product tester!) Oscar.

Let's Discuss!

What are some things that help you understand your dog's behavior?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kindle Fire Giveaway

Too Kool Doggies is proud to pair up with Bay Area Mommy, and the blogs listed below for their Kindle Fire Giveaway. My Perfect Kindle Fire
Welcome to the My Perfect Kindle Fire giveaway event sponsored by and hosted by Bay Area Mommy! Special shoutout to cohosts One Proud Momma, Spaceships and Laser Beams, SmartySaver, Life in a Break Down, Stay a Stay at Home Mom, My Best Salad Recipes, and Conservamom!

My Perfect Gift makes it fun to create a wishlist to share with friends & family. Invite everyone to make registries of their own so you always give (or get) the perfect gift!

One lucky reader will win a Kindle Fire HD worth $199! And 2 runner-up winners will receive a $15 Starbucks or iTunes gift card! To enter, simply create a new registry on with at least 3 items. Please type “FIRE” in the “Referred By” box when signing up. All other entries are optional but will increase your chances of winning.

Giveaway runs from March 11 at 12:01am EST through April 15 at 11:59pm EST. Must be 18 years old to be eligible. Kindle Fire HD Giveaway is open worldwide. Kindle Fire winner may opt for cash equivalent. $15 gift card winners must be a US resident. Void where prohibited.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please whitelist to make sure the winner email notification doesn’t go to your Spam folder. This blog is not responsible for fulfillment of the prize. For questions regarding this giveaway, please contact Bay Area Mommy.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dog Shaming

Photo: Dog Shaming

There are times that we get into our embarrassing situations. Sometimes, it's out of panic, sometimes it's out of fear and other times we just don't think. When we have those days, it takes time to bounce back.

Dogs are no different when they find themselves in embarrassing. They wind up chewing our favorite shoe, taking our spot on the sofa,or just love sneaking food when they know they shouldn't. It's for these reasons that Dog Shaming was created. Creating in August, 2012 it already has over 281 webpages of pictures.

It's a simple website where people post photos of their dog with a note attached stating why they're being shamed. One of my favorites was this one by Oscar as seen above. Homer has definitely earned a spot on that website, but his owner has never gotten around to taking a picture of him with a note stating what he did wrong.


At first, I thought the idea of dog shaming was a little harsh. Then I realized, as much as we love our pooches, they do have a knack for getting into trouble. It's part of the package when we adopt them. Some dogs never do anything wrong and others are remembered for their naughty acts of the past. One of the coolest things about this website is when foster moms put their dogs pictures up there to help them find a forever home. It's a reminder of how crafty certain dogs can really be, but at the end of it all, we still love them.

Let's Discuss!

What has your dog done to belong on Dog Shaming?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Justice For Argus and Fiona Has Finally Arrived

Photo of Fiona and Argus: Delco Times

On February 12, two Bernese Mountain dogs were shot to death after wandering out of their yard and into a neighbor's in the West Vincent Township of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Their names were Argus who was two-years old and Fiona who was a one-year old.

The reason this happened was that a large tree branch had fallen and damaged the fence by creating a hole that allowed the dogs to escape. They were gone only about 15 minutes, when the Bock family found out that their neighbor, Gabriel Pilotti shot the dogs on sight in fear that they were going to harm his sheep. They were devastated but Mr. Pilloti was the type to "shoot first and ask questions later."

Gabe called his neighbor, who was bothered that he was bragging about what he did. It didn't help that he referred about the situation in a cold and callous manner when speaking to Bill Bock, about the incident. Considering that in Pennsylvania, there is a law that states that an owner can shoot dogs to protect their livestock, he was not charged at the time. Outraged by this law loophole, the Bocks started a Facebook Group called Justice for Argus and Fiona.

View Larger Map

Now, an interesting development has happened in this story. The man who shot the dogs is charged with two counts animal cruelty. Initially, Pilotti had said that the dogs were chasing after his sheep and he shot them in defense. However, as police conducted a follow-up investigation, it turned out that Argus was approaching him in a slow manner, with no malice intended and shot directly in the head. Fiona, the other dog retreated and was shot as she was running away to safety.

District Attorney Tom Hogan, had determined that their was no justification for this to occur. The type of the weapon made a difference. Pilotti had used a buckshot rifle. This type of rifle required each bullet to be loaded individually. Therefore, it was determined he had shot these dogs with intent to kill instead of merely protecting his sheep. The DA brought him up on two charges of animal cruelty and one charge of reckless endangerment of a human being due to the fact a neighbor was passing by the property and was in the line of fire when the incident happened. Earlier this morning, Gabriel Pilotti issued a statement of mea culpa, stating that he overreacted from a previous incident that happened a year ago in which he killed two pit bulls who were attacking a herd of sheep.

About Bernese Mountain Dogs

Fiona and Argus were the beloved family pets of the Bock family. They had five children from ages 5 to 11 who adored them. Bernese Mountain dogs are known for their calm, gentle and loving nature and make excellent dogs for families. Their origin is from the mountains of Switzerland. They are known as gentle giants because they grow to be at least 70 pounds (39 kg) in size. They average about 25 inches in height (63.5cm).They are known for their lustrous coat and regal beauty. They are considered working dogs since they were primarily bred to herd. Bernese Mountain dogs are ranked 33rd of the 175 breeds listed for the AKC. Because of their size, they tend to mature later than many of their counterpart breeds and maintain their puppyhood longer.

What Lies Ahead

While most are sympathetic to the plight of the family, there is a strong contingent of farmers who feel that Pilotti was justified in what he did. This story has intensified the relations between rural farmers and suburban families in the Chester County area. The only consolation is that the family will know that their dogs received justice for the loss of their pets.

Let's Discuss!

The one thing that's apparent about this is that the farmer enjoyed shooting his gun. Maybe he has regrets, but he took joy in the fact that he was a good shot. I think the prosecutor in this case did the right thing because the dogs were innocent. He knows that and knows that he was wrong. His apology was only to get a lesser sentence.


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