Many times one will notice that life imitates art. This was the case for Homer and myself earlier this evening.
One Great Adventure
I decided to take him for a guest spot in agility, since I'll be back in school the following week. He was happy to be there and mastered the tasks like a real pro. I drove home with him later looking forward to starting obedience class with him next.
Driving home was a breeze. I was a couple of blocks away and I decided to close the rear windows on the car. Homer was in the front seat and enjoying sticking his head out the partially opened window.
Then, all of a sudden, he noticed a woman and her dog across the way. He started barking, and I grabbed his leash to secure him. Little did I know that he managed to push the passenger side window all the way down, before I was able to secure the electronic window lock.
Life Imitating Art
The next thing I knew, I was making a left turn and Homer was hanging out the side of the window with me holding his leash. I pulled over to the side of the street and tried to pull him back up, but the collar had unsnapped. Looking over, I then saw Homer standing with the dog he was barking at and the dog's owner. I flashed back to the book
Marley and Me
because there is a scene in the book that is very similar to what happened here.
I couldn't believe he crossed a two-lane road and had not gotten injured. When I had trekked over to the lady and her dog, Homer was there. He took one look at me and then took off. Freedom could not be sweeter for him at that moment in time. He ran over to another house and sniffed along the fence. At the edge of the fence were some dense shrubs that were eight feet high. He squeezed through them and explored the yard on the other side.
The lady and her dog saw me trying to squeeze through. She told me she would go around on the other side. After getting through the bushes, Homer saw me again and took off running. He ran about three houses down and was intrigued by this side stoop at the third house. Just as I had gotten there, the door was opening and an older gentlemen was startled at the sight of Homer.
He told me he was going to let his dog out and I apologized and showed him my leash and dangling collar. His dog was a big dog who was thrilled to bark at Homer. When I was close to reaching Homer, he took off yet again. He wandered to the front of the house and wound up on the front stoop. I was thrilled when I saw that there was a railing on two sides making a corner with the house. Homer could only get out one way, and I was blocking his exit. I was finally able to put his collar back on him.
I ran into the woman and her dog and thanked her for her help. I wound up walking two blocks back to the car and told Homer we're going home now.
Homer has turned out to be a dog that's full of surprises. Some dogs love routine, and dogs like Homer love to forge their own way. A seatbelt harness for dogs is the next item on my list.
Well, thank you all for stopping in. I'd love to hear your comments. Hope you all have a great weekend.
*Don't forget the
When Your Dog Chews What He Shouldn't Giveaway ends Friday. Don't miss out on a chance to win a $40.00 USD gift card from CSN Stores.