Sometimes the smallest of gestures can mean the most in life. It all started when Ozzy Osborne's son Jack appeared in a reality show called Armed and Famous. The purpose of the show was having a celebrity interact with a local police department. The police department that was part of this show, was located in Muncie, IN. Muncie is a small town that is probably best known for Ball State University. David Letterman went to Ball Stage but I never really heard of Muncie until I went for a technical theatre job interview while I was in college.
Well, now that I've gotten off the beaten path, it's time to get back on. It turns out that Muncie's oldest living police dog Rover, was being retired by the police force. He is a thirteen-year-old dog that was thriving beyond his years compared to other police dogs. Most police dogs retire at age eight or nine.
The Muncie Police Department had suffered many cutbacks. They originally had six dogs but went down to three because of budget cuts. Police dogs are much better at catching bad guys than some police officers. Their intimidation factor alone can be very powerful.
Jack Osbourne had a great experience with this department during his reality show days. Working with the Muncie police department changed his life. He is now looking into working as a police officer in the state of California.

The dog is being trained in Denver, Indiana and is expected to arrive at the end of this week. The dog will be named Ozzy of course. To help cover the new dog's costs like food and vet exams, the Fraternal Order of Police will be holding a fundraiser to defray the costs from the taxpayers.
I think this is wonderful. It's a small gesture of kindness that can go a long way. Everyone benefits and that's always a good thing. Well, what do you guys think?
As always, thanks for stopping in.
Another Article of Interest:
Police Dogs
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