Hi TKD Fans! I'm back sooner than I thought to tell you these two stories that I was compelled to share. These stories take place on the two coasts. One is good, one is bad, both are unbelievable.
The good one is the story of a 35-year-old woman named Krisna Torress saving her neighbor's chihuahua from choking to death. How did she do it? She did it by giving the dog CPR. Even more incredible was the fact that she was able to do so by watching it on tv. Catch more of the story at
this site.
The not-so-good one was printed in the New York Daily News. It tells the story of

Oreo, a one-year-old terrier mix who was thrown from a six-story building. The perpetrator was a nineteen-year-old named Fabian Henderson. There were at least one previous complaint to the ASPCA that the dog was being beaten. (Obviously, this teen had some anger management issues.) To top it off, he actually said the dog jumped off the side of the building. Never mind the fact that there were at two neighbors who called in the crime to the ASPCA and the fact that the wall was almost 3 feet 8 inches (1.2 meters) high. Oreo was a 45 pound female. Needless to say, the sweet girl had an angel watching over her because she survived the fall. To read this more in detail, check it out at the
New York Daily News Website.
Well guys, it is the weekend. Hope you're enjoying yours and thanks again for stopping in!
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