You ever have those days where you come across a story that's too good to pass up? Well, I came upon this story from the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
How It Began
It all started when Gary DeNicola was driving to a Sunday brunch. He noticed a small reddish dog wandering through a traffic intersection. Not wanting it to get hurt, he took it to his home and was planning to take her to the shelter the next morning. Little did he know, that this little dog was pregnant. In fact, she wound up giving birth while she was staying in his back yard to nine puppies.
The Next Day
The next day when he had called the local shelters, he ran into the same thing. All of the shelters were full, mostly because financially struggling families couldn't afford to care for their animals so they gave them up. One shelter even required to give the newborn pups vaccination shots before they would be accepted. It's believed that her owners gave her up when they learned she was pregnant. They looked for a microchip and there wasn't one to be found.
Where Does One Go From Here
Around Thanksgiving, one of the shelters will have expanded their space. If Mr. DeNicola still has puppies, they will take them in.Right now, Gary is doing what he can to help these dogs by keeping them in an area of his basement. He has a 12-year-old Cairn Terrier named Tiger who has been a solo dog for quite some time, so he's keeping the pups separate to avoid territorial issues with his dog.
He also has some neighbors who are helping him to find good permanent homes. His neighbor's three-year-old son named the mother Ruby for her reddish color. He has succeeded in finding Ruby a permanent home when she's done nursing the 5 week puppies. He's not planning to take in any puppies himself, but you never know.
If you or someone you know would like to take in one of these cute pups you can e-mail Gary at gdenic@aol.com. If you would like to read more about this story visit this website.
Other Dogs In The News Stories
Coming Home
The $32,000 Flight
Two Stories of Miraculous Survival
Still Shocked
Puppy Flushed Down the Toilet
Have any of you been in similar situations? Thanks for stopping in.
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