When I was a kid, I loved hearing the singing dogs on the radio. I thought it was so cool to hear dogs bark Jingle Bells. Around this time of the year, you may catch Jingle Bells by the Singing Dogs. This song was released in 1955 by Don Charles. The hours put in were numerous since they don't have the technology that we have today.
These dogs had quite a following and Life Magazine--as seen in the photo above--had written a follow-up article on the dogs used in the song. Those dogs were Caesar, (German shepherd) Dolly, (a oodle) Pearl, (a terrier) and King(the other German shepherd). The producers did not want these dogs pigeonholed, so they put Oh Susannah on the B-side.
In 1970, a DJ found it lying around and decided to give the record a spin. It turned into a smashing success. RCA was so pleased by this turn of events, they re-released a newer edit of it that same year. Pussy the Pinscher,was added for the newer edit.
The dogs may be long gone, but their legacy remains. In honor of these dogs, here is their famous song:
Jingle Bells by the Singing Dogs
If you would like to read more about this group please visit: www.bobshannon.com
Thank you all for stopping in.
I listened to the recording whose link you posted above, and sadly, the producers didn't actually _train_ the dogs to bark the song as an ensemble - they recorded individual barks and spliced them together, as the link to bobshannon.com shows. Impressive as a piece of music production (sound collage with tape is something that awes me), but I would have been even more amazed if they actually trained the dogs to bark this live!