This week, I'm proud to present my review about Pork Chomps.
An Alternative To Rawhide
I was first approached to review
Pork Chomps and was intrigued by the product.

They are made to resemble rawhide but contain no rawhide. Instead, they contain baked pork skins. The pork skins are 99% digestible and leave no slimy pieces behind. It's all natural as well so there's nothing added to make the treat more appealing.
Testing It Out
Living in a house with five dogs gives the ultimate testing environment. I was sent Pork Chomps in all sizes, in twists

form, strips and traditional rawhide shapes. This was great for dogs who are small like Harry and Gigi to my largest dog, Fancy (pictured left).
The first sign I knew the dogs were going to like these was when I brought the box in from outside. I had placed it on a chair temporarily and Cookie (pictured above) was jumping up trying to get to the box. The scent of these things made her really excited. Then I gave them all some of the bones. Everyone was chewing away happily and not one of the dogs were distracted. Harry even enjoyed it considering that he has few teeth. He chewed some of it but didn't finish because of his limitations. Of course, Homer wasn't about to let it go to waste.
The Final Conclusion
Everyone really loved them. Not one of the dogs became sick. Prices are comparable to rawhide treats. I highly recommend these to give instead of bones or rawhide. They don't hurt the teeth but still give your dog something to chew. Once, I gave Gigi a bone and it wound up chipping one of her molars. I didn't have anything like that happening here. Cookie gave me her seal of approval when she stole one of the Pork Chomps bags off of the kitchen table and tried to open it in her bed. (I tried to snap a photo of the sneaky girl but she wouldn't stay still).
Since these were such a hit with my pooches, I am returning the favor. Two readers will win a pork chomps package for their dogs to try. Here's how to win:
Contest Rules

Small Dog Package Large Dog Package
- Contest starts on Thursday, October 17 and goes until Sunday, October 27 till 11:59pm.
- Leave a comment on what your dog love for a chew treat. Please also list if you have a small dog or big dog.
- Contest is limited to those who live in the US and Canada.
- Only one comment per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.
- Winners will be drawn at random.
Again, a special thanks to Pork Chomps and Fetching Communications for providing Pork Chomps for review. Good luck to you all.